I can’t imagine any world leader today who will have at his or her death more news coverage or outpouring of grief by the masses in the world as Steve Jobs. The ubiquitous, yet iconic nature of Apple products has infiltrated the world of more men, women and children than anyone in my generation. The portable devices that we carry, the iPods, iPhones and iPads are universal, yet they have never become common. They have never lost their cool.
Take 15 minutes with your morning cup of coffee and listen to Steve Jobs’ commencement speech to the 2005 Stanford University graduating class. To give you a taste of what you’ll hear, here are three of my favorite quotes:
- He said, “Do what you love. . . The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
- “Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there.”
- And, in reverently talking about the Whole Earth Catalog, he noted the final issue they published in the 1970s. The farewell message was: “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”
Here is the video link. http://www.linkedin.com/news?actionBar=&articleID=587034921&ids=0OcjkScPwNczwId3gUdj4Ucj8Ub3wRdjgMd34RciMNczAQcP0Te3kIcjoUdjwScj8U&aag=true&freq=weekly&trk=eml-tod-b-ttle-80&ut=2uBeQHMAXva4Y1
And here is a photo that I took a couple weeks ago in Napa Valley on my iPhone 4.