This was the title of the managing partner/marketing partner panel I moderated today at our LMA Dallas Chapter program. In another few posts, I'll share the questions and answers (without attribution) by the following law firm partners:
- Steve Good, Managing Partner and Management Committee Chair at Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP
- Larry Hicks, Thompson & Knight's Administrative Partner, head of the Dallas office and longtime former marketing partner
- Lynne Liberato, up from the Houston office of Haynes and Boone LLP — Member of Haynes and Boone's Board of Directors and the Business Development Committee
- Pat Sargent, Marketing Partner, Chair of the Marketing Steering Committee and Member of the Policy Committee, Andrews Kurth LLP
For now, this is an invitation to the standing-room-only audience today to complete the following short survey. I'll report the answers in a future blog post.
1. Has your pitch and proposal activity increased in 2009? If yes, by how much (percentage)?
2. Do you expect this activity increase to continue in 2010?
3. How are you managing the increased volume?
A–Greater scrutiny/evaluation process (more rigorous go/no-go standards)
B–Better technology and knowledge management (KM) tools
C–Work harder
4. How many lawyers do you have firmwide?
Thank you for completing this FLASH Survey!