I am speaking at the LMA Ohio chapter meeting this Wednesday, January 27, 2010. The title of my presentation is: “New Rules for Marketing in a Recovering Economy — Tactics to Improve your Success and Reach.” It makes sense to critically analyze your marketing investments to ensure that you are […]
“Word of mouth is all grown up” – says Eric Fletcher
With all the talk, all the brouhaha about social media, it’s grand to find a simple, practical appraisal of it. Read Eric Fletcher’s post about social media and Bob Garfield’s new book, The Chaos Scenario. Eric is the CMO of McGlinchey Stafford PLLC. Word of mouth has been coveted as […]
How do you keep law firm associates on your good side?
Chat boards, blogs, Facebook pages, tweets and more are the ready receptacles for associate gripes, whining, belly-aching and wailing. I am amazed at those who passionately defend their constitutional right to free speech, yet haven't the foggiest clue about exercising good judgment, being self and employer respecting, and otherwise selfishly guarding […]
The efficacy of Martindale.com as a referrer to your Web site
A law firm's Web site should be at the center of its business development. With the evolution of Web 2.0 and social media tools, site visitors can customize their experiences, interact with the firm and its lawyers, and stay up-to-the-minute on the latest laws and industry developments via video, podcasts, […]
Content Pilot announces the Web Sites 2010: Ten Foundational Best Practices
As we approach the new decade with anticipation and hope, we can look back and be thankful that Internet marketing has evolved away from brochure-ware Web sites to more tailored, intuitive, user-driven experiences that provide quick answers, easy transactions and the desired information to visitors. The result is visitor loyalty. Law […]
Budget season fa-la: If I spend a dollar, what will I get in return?
Unlike last year, where calendar-year firms extended budgeting (rather, budget cutting) into Spring, this year many of them are done. They planned ahead, and locked down the budget submissions in September. This December must be infinitely more jolly and relaxed than last. The question nags firms, though . . . “I’ve […]
The Zhu Zhu pet of 2010 marketing budgets
Except for the recent threat of recall suggesting elevated levels of tin and antimony, Zhu Zhu pets have been the coveted (and oddly affordable) toy of the season. Social media is the Zhu Zhu darling of marketing budgets, along with email marketing, according to the 2010 "Marketing Trends Survey" conducted by […]
In defense of bloggers’ free speech (a CNN op-ed by Rick Klau)
As Rick Klau notes in this post — http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/11/30/commentary.klau.blogging/index.html –there are millions of modern-day “pamphleteers” out there. Many lawyers and law firms have made their notable mark as bloggers. Many more have stuck a toe in the water to see if their posts can lead to fame, if not fortune. Some […]
Cranberry-Orange Relish (by John Engels)
My good friend and co-author, Leigh Dance, sent this to the allies this morning. It’s completely delicious. Wishing you the warmest and happiest of Thanksgivings! Cranberry-Orange Relish by John Engels A pound of ripe cranberries, for two days macerate in a dark rum, then do not treat them gently, but […]
Getting your law firm to buy in to Web 2.0
Read how Andrew McAfee’s Enterprise 2.0 relates to global law firms.
The Changing Face of Legal Marketing
“The Changing Face of Legal Marketing” will be a series of posts based on a managing partner/marketing partner panel discussion at the LMA Dallas Chapter meeting.
Google Scholar: “Stand on the Shoulders of Giants”
A good friend of mine and co-author of two ABA books, Lawyer’s Guide to Marketing on the Internet, 2nd and 3rd editions, Rick Klau, works at Google. We used to be in the same industry, but he took a divergent fork in the road and ended up at the big G. Just after […]
The right 140 characters – can Twitter drive business to lawyers?
Robert J. Ambrogi is a veteran lawyer-blogger and now, a loyal Twitter fan. He just published the “Tweet 16” (rather, the ABA Journal published it online) on why lawyers should use Twitter. I don’t yet use Twitter, and while I am a fan of Facebook, I never interrupt what I am doing to […]
Is it finally time to rethink your business model?
I have just finished an essay, a book chapter, really, for a new book compiled, edited and published by E. Leigh Dance to celebrate the 15th year of her consultancy, ELD International. Leigh is a great friend and industry colleague–she leads the field in designing and executing strategies for growth in international […]
Increasingly Ubiquitous Facebook
A Dallas Morning News article that appeared in the middle of the holiday shopping period highlighted retailers' clever forays on Facebook. J.C. Penney has a "virtual doghouse" on Facebook where a user (presumably a woman) can put her significant other in the doghouse because of poor gift choices. The doghouse […]
Happy New Year — 2009
Bloggers aren't supposed to take a hiatus. But sometimes schedules and commitments can't be adjusted or nudged aside, even for the tiniest post. I'm back and excited about the changes ahead in our industry. A former client, Thacher Proffitt & Wood, closed its doors December 31. This was a pre-Civil War law firm with […]
It’s budget season (maximizing the value of every dollar)
For most law firms, it’s budget season. Given the upheaval on Wall Street this fall, some law firms are worried, several have faced well publicized lay-offs and even the ones who are doing pretty well, are uncertain. Twelve years ago I created a program called “Couch Money(r),” a marketing budget […]
Lawyers and Facebook
We have just closed election week 2008 and have a young(ish — 47) African American President-elect and by all reports, a mandate for change. Interestingly, in the weeks leading up to the election, there were numerous glimpses of partisan activism on college campuses, with the students overwhelmingly supporting Barack Obama. […]
Outsourcing legal work to other lands
It’s interesting that USA Today reported on a growing trend that is rather unpopulist (for such a populist news source)–the outsourcing of legal work, in this instance, to India. The article published October 16, 2009, More legal legwork gets outsourced to India, states that the professional outsourcing industry grew to […]
Social networking that pays off
There is a lot of chatter among lawyers and marketers about social networking. “Are you on LinkedIn?” prompts a proud, “Yes!” by many lawyers. I am also on LinkedIn, FaceBook and Plaxo. But this article isn’t about the benefits — perceived or real — of these networking sites. This is […]