Content Pilot is proud to support the second annual ILTA Marketing Technology Survey. To complete the survey, click on this link or the link below. Your deadline to complete the survey is July 19, 2019and it will take less than 20 minutes to complete. In-house marketers: The survey is open to everyone, including folks who […]
Lawyers: Rethink Your Bios To Meet Clients Where They Are (And Win More Work)
How do clients buy? By category. To set the stage for winning more, lawyers have to understand how business-to-business buyers of legal services make their purchasing decisions today. Corporations often segment their work based on: Category 1: Volume of repetitive matters (frequently referred to as commodity work); Category 2: Important day-to-day matters; […]
A Review Of “Decisions That Matter”
A Review Of “Decisions That Matter” – A Must-Read New Book For Law Firm Leaders The first American law firm opened on September 15, 1783. It still exists today in Philadelphia as Rawle & Henderson LLP, a civil litigation firm. The second and third law firms also still exist, with […]
Fall in love again – this time with your firm’s experience.
According to the Lexis Nexis 2017 Law Firm Marketing and Business Development Survey, the responding firms are currently spending 15% of their 2-5% total marketing budget on technology. And, answering the question, “How will your firm’s investment in [all] categories change in 2017 compared to prior years,” more than 80% (!!!) […]
Mergers Continue at Record Pace, But Firms should still pay attention to the red flags – Guest Post by Bob Denney
Altman Weil MergerLine tracks law firm mergers of virtually any size, and they report that 2017 is a banner year. Those of us who are embedded in the legal industry knew this, but it’s important to have the data supporting all the water-cooler conversations – and happy hours over Pinot […]
Best Practices for Law Firm Websites – an Interview with Deborah McMurray by Aprio Advisors
I was recently interviewed for an article called, “Best Practices for Law Firm Websites.” It was an honor to talk passionately about how law firms can build world-class websites with the Aprio Advisors interviewer. They have posted the article on a rich news portal called, “What’s Next” – The insights […]
Website Best Practices – an Interview with 6 Web and Design Experts – by Nicholas Gaffney
This article first appeared in LAW PRACTICE TODAY on April 14, 2017. A moderated panel by Nicholas Gaffney. Websites have come a long way since the original online brochure. Today’s websites not only offer information about a firm’s people and practices, they’re designed to engage clients and potential clients with […]
Expert Insights: Modernizing the Legal Pitch Process – an eBook by HighQ
HighQ recently published an eBook, “Expert Insights: Modernizing the Legal Pitch Process,” for which I wrote a segment. My excerpt is below. Buyers of legal services purchase on two levels – when they are formulating their short list, they are making a technical and intellectual evaluation – jurisdiction, particular expertise, […]
Lawyer’s Guide to Marketing on the Internet, 4th Edition – Ready to Order! By Greg Siskind and Deborah McMurray
Lawyers in firms of all sizes will benefit from the advice, trends and best practices that fill this new book just published by the American Bar Association’s Law Practice Management Section. Use this resource to transform your website, email, social media and overall online strategy. Get closer to target prospects […]
Strategic Experience Databases in Law Firm Mergers – that’s my 2017 prediction
I am always proud to be included in Dave Billinsky’s legal industry predictions for the New Year. His Thoughtful Law Blog is read by anyone who wants to improve the way they manage and run law firms and legal practices. Here is my submission as we look ahead to 2017 […]
Content Pilot Releases the Full Research Study and Report: “How do they Measure Up? 2016 Global 50 Law Firm Websites: Ten Foundational Best Practices”
DALLAS, TEXAS – Content Pilot LLC announced today that it is making public the results of its 6th comprehensive analysis of the websites of the largest law firms in the world, based on Ten Foundational Best Practices. The 2016 AmLaw Global 50 law firms consist of 40 firms “headquartered” in the […]
Results – 2016 Global 50 Websites: Ten Foundational Best Practices – Executive Summary
Introduction We have finished the 6th analysis of the world’s top law firm websites based on Ten Foundational Best Practices. The first study in 2005 set precedent by identifying the top ten foundational things law firms must do to ensure their websites were satisfying what visitors wanted. It was the […]
Marketing Technology is the new Black – but success in a law firm requires some rules
I just spoke at the sold-out-standing-room-only LMA Tech Midwest (#LMATech) conference in Chicago. It was the first Legal Marketing Association tech conference held in the Midwest, but it followed in the very successful footsteps of its older brother, LMA Tech, which takes place in San Francisco each year. The audience […]
Content Pilot Announces “2016 Global 50 Law Firm Websites: Ten Foundational Best Practices”
Content Pilot announced that it has begun the research for its next study, “Global 50 Law Firm Websites: Ten Foundational Best Practices.” This is the 6th such study, which focuses on identifying and establishing foundational best practices that matter to visitors, and that, based on client interviews, move the needle […]
When millennials become law firm leaders, how will they communicate to clients?
It’s no surprise that millennials like to text. I do, too, and often I prefer it – and the more deliberate emailing – to speaking on the phone. It just depends on what I need to accomplish. My goal of effective communication (i.e., understanding and being understood) always trumps the medium […]
“Don’t Waste a Perfectly Good Crisis”
"Don't waste a perfectly good crisis, " is what I heard from a law firm managing partner whose firm has recently gone through some challenging times. It's not just a great lesson in optimism, it's important for us all to remember as we encounter and confront challenges – and identify […]
Experience Management is not an “initiative” – it’s got to be in your firm’s DNA
Here is a snapshot of how law firms approach the topic of “Experience Management:” It’s someone else’s job – “Put a few people together from IT and marketing and see what you can come up with. Make a recommendation. Don’t bother the lawyers.” Toe in the water – “See if you can […]
Branding and Website Case Study: Louisiana Litigation Boutique Keogh Cox
Investing in smart strategy isn’t just a big firm luxury. Increasingly, aggressive, ambitious boutique firms with a good story are spending time and money to design plans to make smarter short- and long-term choices. Keogh Cox, with one office in Baton Rouge, LA, is one such firm. With a 45-year […]
“Lean Data” makes more sense for law firms than big data.
Big Data is getting bigger. According to research firm IDC, big data services and technologies will grow at a compounded rate of 27%, exceeding $32 billion by 2017. The greatest challenge is knowing how to make it work for us in a law firm – how can we learn from it, […]
What Lawyers can learn from “A focus group of one” – and dispelling the illusion that you’re right
I’ve taken a hiatus from my blog for a variety of reasons – other than my normal workload, I’m co-authoring a book with Greg Siskind (The Lawyer’s Guide to Marketing on the Internet, 4th Edition, published by the Law Practice Management Section of the American Bar Association), and I fell, […]